Hash Trash
2021-03-28 #20 A Blessed Trail
Hare: Mr. Rogers
When: April 4th 2:31 HST
Where: Cityside Bar 1960 Beacon st, Brighton
Hash cash: $5
Please don your most outstanding religious vestments (rabbit onesie?); bring your sins as well. Special appearance by... the Dali Lama!
Don't miss this Heavenly event, featuring, beer, a mystery meal and unlimited fish and loaves from a basket (it's a miracle!).
Promises/Lies Dali Lamas, Llamas, turning water made into good beer
Contact the hare if you have preferred beer/nip choices or dietary restrictions; our intent is all for your delight
Reminders: Physical distanced and masked (guidance suggests double masked) unless there's something in your mouth. 21+
The Beantown City Hash premise and protocols have been epidemiologist endorsed See less
2021-03-21 #19.69 Greatful Dead Live Trail
Hare: Tinder Dick
When: Sunday March 28th 2:30 HST
Where: Danehy Park, 99 Sherman Street, Cambridge MA
Before there can be zombie Jesus, there needs to be Grateful Dead.
Hash Cash: $5
Promises/Lies: Live trail. Grateful Dead. Gratitude. Maybe a bit longer trail. Hare won't get lost.
Dog Friendly.
Contact the hare if you have preferred beer/nip choices or dietary restrictions; we aim to please.
Reminders: Physical distanced and masked (guidance suggests double masked) unless there's something in your mouth. 21+
The Beantown City Hash premise and protocols have been epidemiologist endorsed.
2021-03-14 #18 Clockwork's virgin lay
Hare: C*ms like Clockwork
When: Sunday March 21st 2:30 HST
Where: Galvin Memorial Park, Charlestown (Orange Line: Community College. Or 10min walk from North Station). Also, you can park in resident spaces on Sundays.
Hash Cash: $5
Promises/Lies: history, boats wrapped in plastic, underpasses/overpasses.
A to A (ok, possibly A', but not like one of those 2.5-mile A's).
Dog Friendly.
Contact the hare if you have preferred beer/nip choices or dietary restrictions; we aim to please.
Reminders: Physical distanced and masked (guidance suggests double masked) unless there's something in your mouth. 21+
The Beantown City Hash premise and protocols have been epidemiologist endorsed.
2021-03-07 #17 Green Dress R*n
Hares: Dribbles and Cherry Poppin'
When: Sunday March 14th 2:30 HST (note we're on EDT now - don't show up an hour early!)
Where: Broadway Station (Red Line)
Hash Cash: $5
Paddy's Day/Green Dress 👗 Trail!
Promises: trail will follow the parade route (no actual parade) run past Irish ☘️ Bars. A very green trail with Guinness, Jameson, no Leprechauns, corned beef and cabbage (please advise of dietary restrictions and we'll make something special for you because we love you).
A to A and bag car
Reminders: Physical distanced and masked (guidance suggests double masked) unless there's something in your mouth. 21+
The Beantown City Hash premise and protocols have been epidemiologist endorsed.
2021-03-07 #16 50's Virgin Boston Lay
What: 50's Virgin Boston Lay
Who: 50 Shades of Glaze
Where: Magazine Beach Cambridge
42.3542089, -71.1123900
When: March 7 th 2:30p
Hash Cash: $5 Venmo @ctophernguyen
Trail: Pretty much all urban trail with a touch of green. 5 ish miles, 2 BN with maybe a hot drink. It's a virgin lay what could possibly go wrong.
2021-02-28 #15 Birthday Rage
What: Fellowship, Twat, Buttler, Gimp, Dumpster Fire, (Douche half-) birthday trail
Who: Buttler
Where: Thorndike Field, Arlington (Alewife adjacent; parking available)
When: Feb 28th 2:30pm HST
Hash cash: $5; includes food (please advise of any restrictions/allergies)
Are we all Memorial Day by-products? How are we not stains of c*m? Nevertheless, your hare has a line on VIRGIN (unlike our parents) TERRITORY - almost assuredly never before used by the Boston Area Hashes! The best part of it is A+ quality territory too - if it pans out - but I'm informed it should be good-to-go! Promises/lies, etc, etc.
Dog friendly!
Trash: There was trash. The A+ virgin territory was deemed to dangerous by wankers who didn't do test bores and convinced the hare to not jeopardize everyone's lives and so the hash had to settle for just Grade B virgin territory - the full meat of the hobo camp. We emerged from the woods and a wild unicorn appeared! Shot check, bad scouting, and the hare took a 'shortcut' across the ice. Beer check by Gimp's old condos, song check at the elementary school, and circle back at A. Delicious chili. - Buttler
2021-02-21 #14 The Kenjataimu Trail
Wankers! Valentine's Day finished and so did we! A cathartic release of 6.9 inches of the good white stuff and now we can finally experience Kenjataimu, a sleepy moment of clarity, where we suddenly regret all the decisions that lead us to this place. Or maybe equally probable your best Valentine's Day plans were to drink in front of the Somerville theater and have Mr. Rogers lay you. Whether your ennui is temporary and post-coital or perineal, why not drink it away with Beantown H3*?
Who: Sex: The Final Frontier
Where: North Point Park, look for prelube near Education Circle. (Science Park or Community College are closest T stops.)
Bag car: Abrachlamydia
Promises/Lies: an A-B trail as long and hard as you'd expect after such a big release, a better lay than you had last week, good weather, CB[Your whole life], National Sticky Bun Day, well laid trail that will leave you with no regrets afterward, a nominally heated On-In as used as you are.
Trail dropped straight into Charlestown, visited the Bunker Hill Monument for a shot check and ranger avoision. BC at Doherty park and then slipping and sliding down the snowy hill in back leading us almost to the harborwalk but instead along the railroad tracks that everyone zenned around. After navigating Sullivan Sq we explored the area behind the hare's abode leading your scribe to achieve FRB. Circle was fun, chicken soup was delicious, and the hare managed to melt his bowl to his gas heater. A real A-B trail, thankfully bag car shuttled a few of us back to start. - Buttler
2021-02-14 #13 A Hash wish (Mr Rogers)
"Attention all Wankers, Wankettes and those who decline to self- identity...
A Hash wish occur this Sunday!
Starting at Davis Square Somerville Theatre and ending....
Snacks, decent beer, scetchy shots and a mystery dish...
2:30 SHT, pack off 3:00 pm.
Friar will NOT co-hare, as our boy has an IMPORTANT job interview the next day.
"I do not wish to smell like Buttler." Friar explained to the Beantown Newstaff earlier today, "He is hardly aromantic on the best of days. I shall decline." Fair enough; Dribbles will pinch hit for him this week.
See you then!" - Mr Rogers
Roses were given out to the hashers. Trail left the Somerville Theater and went by the largest tree in Somerville on the way to Powder House Square where amazingly no one injured themselves on the amazingly slippery stairs. Proceeding up College Ave trail turned up the Memorial Steps into Tufts where pack was lost. We went past the Colossus Acornhead and sledding hill past your scribe's old apt, and over to the Catholic Cemetery for BC#1 exiting out to Alewife Brook Parkway your scribe chose the correct side of the road and had trail mostly figured out in that it went to the bike path but thankfully caught correct direction of the marks and didn't go back to A or he would have missed BC#2 at Jerry's Pond. Many discussions of what to do with our winnings from BH3's Superb Owl Squares charity lottery on the way back to A where we had split pea soup at circle and king cake afterwards. Your scribe found the baby.
2021-02-07 #12 Looking for Owls (Buttler)
"A new first for B[C]H3 - an early start due to weather (what kind of hashers are we?!)
Trail started at the same time as the snow and visited Harvard Stadium and Nickerson Field - former venues for Patriots games." - Buttler
2021-01-31 #11 (Mr Rogers/Friar)
"Founders’ Day Trail with Friar F*ck and Mr. Rogers. Prelube at Harvard sq, SC at Sennett Park, BC at Lincoln Park, On-In at Cambridge Common.
Some of the checks we really had to earn!
Marks were sparsely laid and pack got thinned out but no disasters so not quite the sh*ttiest trail in the history of ~45 years of Boston Hashing!
On-On!" - STFF
2021-01-24 #10 Annual Robbie Burns Trail (Dribbles)
"Well that was cold. Thankfully I found a few people also crazy enough to be outdoors to run 6.09 miles. Happy Burns Day, All!" - STFF
"B[C]H3 hit double digits! Wow!" - Buttler
2021-01-17 #9 Inauguration Trail (C*stix)
"Burning effigies [see also #5] by the seashore" - Buttler
2021-01-10 #8 Where Have All the Dive Bars Gone in South Boston? (Dribbles & Cherry Poppin)
"Promises: shots, beer
Join us as for a fun trail as we remember
The Cornerstone, The Quiet Man, Aces High" - Dribbles
2021-01-03 #7 (Mr Rogers)
"Be there. Shot checks, beer checks, Song checks, Friar flashing some tit,,,,,what more could you want on a bleak winter Sunday? 2:30 meet up. Pack off at 3!" - Mr Rogers
"A hash will occur...beginning at the Davis Square T station (near the Theatre) and ending..." - Mr Rogers
"Great, closest trail to where I live and I'm out of town" - Buttler
2020-12-27 #6[.9] Holiday Special Trail (Tinder)
The Nipyata (see also #9)
2020-12-20 #5 Saturnalia (Buttler)
"The lights would have been better if it was dark and they were turned on" - Buttler
"We're not leaving the BC until the lights get turned on" - Buttler
2020-12-13 #4 Schis-mE-Trail (Testicular)
"This trail took whichy-ways to new levels. Rather: sub-levels" - Buttler (n.b., DFL)
(IIRC) Joint beer check with BH3 Virtual Trail - Buttler
2020-12-06 #3 Stuck in Central With You (STFF)
"♬Beantown Trail Numero Tres: Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right - here I am, stuck in Central with you.♬
A political statement? Play on words? An excuse to costume? Whatever, you're stuck with Sex: The Final Frontier this week." -STFF
"monkfish will not be putting out their tables because, and I quote “we are too lazy”. Current plan is to do takeout and squat at Phoenix landings tables next-door. Prelube beer will be provided " - STFF
This was (also) concurrent with https://www.facebook.com/events/389107585482940/ and Buttler and Testicular played and at least Buttler won recognition
2020-11-29 #2 Beantown Sunday Hash (Dribbles & Cherry Poppin Paddy)
Start: Tavern in the Square @ North Station
"Tired of Turkey! Your family! Shopping!
Join us Sunday for in person trail
$5 A to A
Hares: Dribbles and cherry poppin paddy
Masks,Social distancing following all CDC guidelines for outdoor activities.
This hash is not affiliated to the Boston Hash" - Dribbles
2020-11-22 #1 Key Rage Alert (Buttler "& Dribbles")
"Want to do some hashing while following State and local restrictions?
What: Virgin Kennel
When: November 22nd, 2020 2:30pm HST
Where: Beantown Pub 100 Tremont St Boston - outdoor dining area
Hash Cash: $5 Cash or Venmo: @robhagopian
Promises/Lies: Surely!
Mandatory: current restrictions mean adherence to the state/local regulations (see website FAQ), including spacing 6'+ away from everyone all the time, and masks up all the time (unless you have something in your mouth)." - Buttler
"YOU created a kennel to run counter to boston, stop trying to take the highground you manipulative shit" - Marbelous Asshole
"i'm not the one calling people shits although I guess I'm not surprised coming from someone named 'asshole'" - Buttler